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Hurdle Set - FitPaws

pet experience level


The FitPAWS Hurdle Set is the ideal hurdle training kit. This Hurdle Set is fully adjustable, allowing you to raise or lower the Intensity Level of the Hurdles for your pet. The bars are designed to fall if your pet hits them, preventing tripping and injury. Hurdles are a great exercise to burn off excess energy, have fun, and increase your dog's limb awareness!

FitPAWS products have been designed specifically for dogs and are trusted by thousands of fitness and rehabilitation professionals, clinics, training facilities, and pet parents. FitPAWS strives to  help strengthen muscles, increase range of motion and flexibility, engage neuromuscular facilitation, provide sensory and perceptual stimulation, joint alignment and balance control in all types of pets. Whether your pet is involved in sporting activities or just a house-pet, core strength is necessary for your dog to control its body during movements like running, jumping, and turning. Strength Conditioning is also a great way to help prevent injuries!


  • CCL Tear
    • Partial
    • Full
  • Luxating Patella
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
  • Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Tendonitis
  • Sports Conditioning and Training


  • Cardio
  • Agility
  • Gait Training
  • Body Awareness
  • Muscle Building
  • General Fitness
  • Rehabilitation
  • Injury Prevention
  • Encourages body awareness
  • Stimulates gait training
  • Ideal for rehab or regular exercise
  • Encourage your dog to stay active


  • Lightweight
  • Adjustable height for different Intensity Levels
  • Simple design for ease of use
  • Carrying Bag included
  • 30-day warranty for manufacturing defects


  • (8) orange training cones
  • (8) black height adjustment "jump cup" strips
  • (4) 40” jumping bars
Use & Care


  • Use warm soapy water to clean. Use a cloth to wipe clean and let air dry. 
  • Avoid using products like Simple Green, Lysol wipes, bleach and other harsh detergents on any of your inflatable balance products.


  • Consult with your veterinarian/physical therapist to determine the best treatment plan.
  • Do not store in sunlight or extreme temperatures, this can change the durability of the Hurdle Set.
  • Can be used as stand-alone exercise equipment or with other FitPAWS products for dynamic use.
  • Do not leave your pet unattended when using the Hurdle Set. This product is not a toy and is meant for rehab and fitness use only. 
  • Always use the exercise equipment in a large, open room to reduce the risk of injury or damaging the product.

  • Avoid direct contact with ink printed material as the ink can transfer and mark the products.
  • The Hurdle Set can be used either indoors or outdoors depending on your dog's preferences.
Rehab Protocol


  • Ensure your dog is healthy to begin exercise. Consult your canine health professional before beginning this or any exercise program. 

  • Always check for proper body alignment while performing exercises. Watch to ensure back and neck are neutral. Front limbs and hind limbs should support weight safely. Avoid over extension of limbs, neck, and back. 

  • Perform an equal number of exercise repetitions on both sides of the body. 
  • Start slow and build up. 3-5 repetitions is adequate for dogs beginning an exercise program. 
  • Never over-exercise or over-tire your dog. Always watch for and listen to signs of tiredness or exhaustion.
  • We recommend your dog use a safety harness, while exercising on the equipment.

Hurdle and Gait Exercises

Set the height based on your desired Intensity Level (lowest height = lowest intensity). Ask your dog to walk, run, or jump over the bars with an attempt to knock over as few as possible. Raise the Intensity Level as desired to challenge your dog.

Figure of 8 Exercises

Set up the cones in a straight line with a few feet between each cone. Ask your dog to walk or run between the cones in a swerving fashion. You may add bars to increase the Intensity Level once they have mastered walking and running between the cones. 


*User assumes the risk when using this product. AOC and FPW International LLC shall not be liable for any damages that result from the use of an inflatable product.


Why fitpaws fitness?

FitPAWS Canine Conditioning Equipment is the #1 brand of fitness and rehab equipment for dogs! The combination of physical and mental exercises is absolutely critical to a well-balanced dog. FitPAWS Products are a great way to exercise your dog mentally and physically at the same time. FitPAWS Products  combine dog-specific equipment that provides fun dog fitness that you can do at home, outside, in a rehab facility, or anywhere that you need it!

Is the hurdle set a good beginner balance tool?

Yes. The Hurdle Set is a great option for pets who are beginners with hurdle equipment. This rehab tool can be set to different heights to accommodate your pets current hurdle abilities while challenging them to advance their capabilities.

Are FitPAWS rehab tools good for puppies?

FitPAWS products are perfect for helping get rid of a puppy's excess energy, while giving them a beneficial physical and mental ‘job’ by engaging them in new games, tricks, and behaviors. Many of the FitPAWS tools are low-impact and you can start training your puppy with them as early as 8 weeks, starting with 3–5 minute training sessions. Improving your puppy’s core strength, confidence, and body awareness puts them on track to living a longer, happier, and healthier life. A more active lifestyle strengthens your puppy to help prevent future injuries and benefits their overall well-being.

What can the hurdle set be used for?

The Hurdle Set can be used for hurdle or jumping exercises. The height of the bars is adjustable and can be set to any height. Lower heights are lower Intensity Levels, typically used for introduction and beginners. Higher heights are higher Intensity Levels, typically great for experienced pets. Obstacle training with the Hurdle Set helps to increase your dog's joint motion while burning excess energy and increasing their awareness for where their legs are at any given time. 

how long will this product last?

With proper care, this product should last 1-2 years. However, you should always check the equipment before and after each use to ensure there are no signs of excessive wear. Always replace the equipment if there are any signs of wear. 

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